Reimagining Philanthropy With Technology
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is a new kind of philanthropic organization focused on engineering change at scale. Our full-stack technology teams build software and support our strategic partners by developing tools to accelerate progress in science and education.

Tech Careers
Explore a tech career at CZI to help solve the world’s toughest challenges and create a future for everyone.
"As a product designer at CZI, I get to work on the world’s most fascinating problems. I help scientists identify and understand infectious diseases, and speed up their research by designing user-friendly tools. I also help the team make sure that we’re solving the right problems and designing solutions that actually meet the needs of our users." — Jennifer Tang, Product Design Manager
Tech Careers
Introducing Early Access to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Platform for AI Cell Models

How Biohub Collaboration Helped Unravel a Medical Mystery

Nobel Laureate David Baker, Colleagues Design Proteins for Advanced Microscopy

CZI, State and City Leaders Launch Chan Zuckerberg Biohub New York

Our Progress Leveraging AI To Speed Up Biomedical Research

AI, Virtual Cells, and a Revolutionary Platform for Biology

New Along eBook Considers Today’s Challenges At School

Sandra Liu Huang on Partnering With Educators To Co-Build Tools That Solve Real Classroom Challenges

Listen: The Immunology Podcast Speaks With Shana Kelley About Biomolecular Sensors

Listen: Steve Quake Talks About AI On the BioTech Nation Podcast

How Technology is Democratizing Genetic Research for Rare Diseases

Solving bottlenecks in CryoET with machine learning

AI Will Help Scientists Crack the Code on Human Health and Disease — Here’s How

Priscilla Chan Discusses AI at the New York Academy of Sciences

Piecing Together New Technologies for Biomedicine

Immune cells see all. Can we train them to tell all, too?

Along Wins 2024 Top EdTech Products Award

Behind-The-Scenes Tour of a Lab Creating Innovative Imaging Tech

Watch How We’re Using AI To Accelerate Biomedical Research

Creating New Technologies to Understand Inflammation and the Immune System

Listen: The “Huberman Lab” podcast with Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg

CZ Biohub New York Will Build Tech To Detect Diseases Earlier

Educators Turn Student Insights Into Action Using the Expanded Along Teacher-Student Connection Builder

CZ Science To Build AI GPU Cluster To Model Cell Systems

Why CZI Is Uniquely Positioned To Accelerate Scientific Progress Through AI

How a CZI Infrastructure Engineer is Coding For a Better Future

How Strong Relationships Are Driving This School’s Success

Watch How We’re Building Technology That Transforms Classrooms

Building Local Solutions for Accessing Imaging Technology

Creating Wider Access to Bioimaging Equipment

Thompson Intermediate School’s Along journey

Democratizing Access to Technology To Accelerate the Pace of Scientific Discovery

Along Earns Special Mention on 2022 TIME Best Inventions List

This Tech Tool Is Transforming Our Ability To Detect and Track Diseases

Catching Ambiguous Link Text: Open-source & an Intern’s Perspective

A CZI Engineer Loves to Solve Problems With Code

CZI Engineer Develops the Security Infrastructure To Build Science and Education Technology

2022 Annual Letter: A Community of Builders

Implementing AWS S3 Multipart Uploads

Driving Adoption of Sorbet Static Type Checking in Rails

Single-Cell Biology Could Change Medicine As We Know It. Here’s How.

Non-verbal Students Find New Ways to Communicate With Along

What’s It Like To Work in Public Health During a Pandemic?

How to Prioritize Student Well-being With Along

The Future of Imaging Science

5 Ways Single-Cell Biology Is Advancing Our Understanding of Disease

A CZI Product Designer Accelerates Science Through Design Solutions

DNA & Disease: Facing Pandemics with Pathogen Genomics

Discussing the Future of Science Technology with Neuroscientist Edward Boyden

Ask an Engineer Series: Meghna Bhardwaj’s Engineering Journey

Ask an Engineer Series: Shane Skikne’s Engineering Journey

How CZI Builds Platform Enhancements to Deliver Up-to-Date Teaching Resources

How Along Helps Teachers Know Each Student

SciDev.Net: Why Sharing Bioimaging Tech is Crucial to Global Health

I See You: Putting Teacher-Student Relationships First

Seen and Understood: Giving Students Space to be Themselves

Dr. Priscilla Chan at AASA National Conference on Education

Nature: Python power-up: new image tool visualizes complex data

Immigrant Scientists

Invisible to the Human Eye? Not Anymore. Scientists Take a Closer Look at How Disease Works

We build tools to accelerate biomedical research to make it possible to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by the end of this century.
We create tools that enable teachers to differentiate learning experiences and foster strong connections with their students.
Central Tech
Our Central Tech team provides technology and security support for CZI and our grantees.